Pets and Hurricane Season: Preparing and Evacuating Together

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Let's get our furry friends hurricane-ready with these pet-prepping pointers.



As we all buckle down for hurricane season, it's vital not to overlook our pets. 毕竟他们也是我们的家人.

Here are some practical and effective steps to make sure our four-legged family members are as prepared as possible for any looming hurricanes.

  • 给宠物植入芯片. 确保你的宠物是安全的 微芯片 and that their microchip is up to date with the correct contact information. This can be done by calling the microchip company or by logging into the account you made when the microchip was inserted. 如果你想给你的宠物植入芯片, 联系兽医, or keep an eye out for local vaccination and microchipping events, 通常由你所在地区的动物收容所赞助. This is also a good time to check your pet's ID collars to see if your phone number and address are current.
  • 确保你的宠物有 更新疫苗. 在疏散的情况下, you don't want to find yourself away from home with an animal that isn't vaccinated. Boarding facilities and veterinarians will not take in your pet if they do not have 更新疫苗, and your pet will be more at risk of contracting diseases like rabies, 狗/猫病, 肝炎, 犬细小病毒, 莱姆病, 犬流感, 犬舍咳嗽.
  • 列一个清单 宠物友好型 疏散区的酒店. As much as we love our cute companions, not all hotels and rentals share the sentiment. 以免被拒之门外, gather a list of places you would plan to stay during an evacuation that allow pets. 当使用像Airbnb和VRBO这样的应用程序时 确定并保存潜在的疏散路线,您可以根据允许宠物的属性过滤搜索. 这种方式, 你可以确保你和你的家人(是的, even the family member who has a wet nose) can stay together! 




Hurricane kits are a must when living in southeast Louisiana. 手电筒等物品, 电池, 不需要保质期的食物, 成吨的饮用水, 一两个可能的棋盘游戏, and a few other essentials have likely made it into your hurricane prep kit. 然而, what a lot of pet parents forget to do when preparing for hurricane season is to make a prep kit for their pets.

So, 如果你是一个皮毛宝宝的骄傲父母, start thinking about what would benefit your pet in their emergency escape kit. 这是一个很好的起点:

  • 水. While you have likely accounted for enough drinking water for the humans in your house, 一定要为你的宠物多准备一些. 作为一般的指导方针, it's recommended to give dogs and cats with around 1 ounce of fresh water for every pound they weigh each day. So, if you have a 50-pound pup, that means having 50 ounces of water on hand, per day. 准备一个星期的飓风工具箱? With a 50-pound pet you should store about 350 ounces of water just for your pet. 


10 - 50磅

60 - 100磅

  • 食物. Just like two-legged individuals, extra food is crucial for pets when preparing for a storm. Head to the pet store and grab enough food for a couple of weeks and only use it in case of an emergency. 
  • 药物和医疗记录. Make a physical list of all the medications your pet needs and print out updated medical records. 这包括他们更新的疫苗接种清单等项目, 最近的健康检查, 过去的手术, and anything else that might be important regarding the health of your pet. Stick these documents in their hurricane prep kit so you won't have to worry about it when an emergency strikes. 
  • 急救箱. 很多工具都是 宠物急救箱 和人类使用的相似吗, but accounting for those extra supplies will be important in the event you or your fur baby need them. 
  • 额外的宠物用品. If you're needing to make a quick exit 在飓风期间 evacuation, the last thing you want holding you up is collecting all of the things your pet needs/uses on a daily basis. 为了避免在疏散过程中浪费时间, set aside an extra set of pet supplies for your pet that will only be used in emergencies. 比如额外的食物和水碗, 皮带, 骨头, 玩具, and even a dog/cat bed can help relieve any stress about your pet having everything they need when away from home.
  • 环境卫生. Another important component of your pet's emergency hurricane kit are things we may not think of right away: sanitation supplies. 比如猫砂盆, 猫砂, 狗屎袋(最好是有香味的,因为, 我的意思是, 为什么不?), 报纸, 毛巾, 垃圾袋, 高级宠物猫/狗尿布, and sanitizing spray can make the process of leaving your home for an extended period of time that much more comfortable. 


相关文章: 你现在应该储备的5种风暴必需品




如果你选择度过难关, 确保你知道你的宠物最喜欢的藏身之处, so that you know where they might be in case you need to leave your house after the storm hits. Toys that stimulate your pet for long hours of staying indoors, such as a 香港 toy, will help keep their mind off the sounds from the wind and rain outside. 

最重要的是要记住 把你的宠物带进来 在飓风期间. 作为宠物父母, 没有什么比保护你的宠物安全更重要的了, so make sure your pet isn't left outside when the storm hits.

通过做正确的准备, we can make sure our furry friends stay safe and healthy during hurricane season. 不要忘记, 我们的小伙伴们依靠我们来保护他们的安全, 当我们把他们纳入我们的灾难计划, we show them just how much we care about their well-being and protection.


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